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Way Of Life – A successful e-commerce store

Updated: Jan 29, 2023

We’ll discuss one of the successful store (Way Of Life) in Shoopy Platform who is making revenue worth of lacs Rs. every month. To run a successful e-commerce store, you need to focus on only 4 aspects

  1. Product

  2. Brand

  3. Process

  4. Customer

If you can excel in these 4 areas, no one can stop you from being a successful entrepreneur in online business. This article will tell the store of way of life’s success.

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Way of life is mostly selling the fast selling items and fashion related items such as shoes, watches, perfumes. All these items requires you to get an authentic source so that you get best product at best price. The most important point to remember is to make a customer for lifetime. This only happens when your product is worthy of the price you are asking.


Remember you are competing with brands like Flipkart, Amazon, Myntra etc. Your customers are also the same people who are buying from these platforms. You must make your policies similar to your competitor. It doesn’t matter how big or small he is. You must create your business name as grand as best companies in your space are. Way of life has been doing same since years. I have seen him accepting returns of used products or giving refunds.


Create a transparent process where customer is being updated for every small detail which impacts him. Be it delivery plan or any change in product or any change in warranty etc. Make sure that customer is always update.


Way Of life return & refund policies are crafted keeping customer at the center. Like review & rating, post delivery feedback and listening to their comments in all the platforms like YouTube, Facebook etc.

Mistakes may happen from anyone but the way you deal with it makes you a great company or person. Make sure that you don’t do the mistakes and if you do then fix them.

You can visit way of life here. This brand has been with us from more than 8 months now. We are supper happy that we got a video from him talking about Shoopy. You must watch it.

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